Display Contents Based on User Login

Check whether the visitor is either logged in or not and show different content blocks based on their login status. It works properly with every Gutenberg content block.

You’re not a logged in

Show Content for Different User Role

You can show or hide different content blocks based on the five different user roles. However, this user role functionality works only with the logged in users of your website.

You’re a general visitor

Customize Content for Different Operating Systems

Now you can show different content based on the user’s operating system. We have added almost all popular operating systems to our drop-down list for the webmasters.

You’re using Mac OS

Conditional Content Based on Browsers

If you want to display any individual content block for a particular browser, then our browser conditional rule will help you. GutenKit can detect almost all browsers.

Offer Discount or Coupons During Festivals

Do you want to run a discount campaign for a specific time range? Our date based conditional content got you covered. Select the time and show specific content within timeframe.

Personalize Your Content for Different Days

With our date based condition, you can show or hide your Elementor block based on the days. For example, if you want to offer a coupon only on Monday, execute it using the Day condition.

It’s Monday team!